加拿大的首都不是溫哥華 _ 同時讓人意想不到這個國家如此年輕

The capital of Canada is not Vancouver. At the same time, it is unexpected how young this country is.


D.G. Wander這次要帶大家來領略加拿大的自然與人文之美。首先要強調的是,加拿大的首都不是溫哥華(Vancouver),也非第一大城多倫多(Toronto),而是渥太華(Ottawa)。加拿大風景優美眾所周知,但她的美絕對不只是這樣。讓我們來一探究竟。

This time, D.G. Wander will take you to appreciate the beauty of nature and humanity in Canada. The first thing to emphasize is that the capital of Canada is not Vancouver, nor the largest city Toronto, but Ottawa. Canada is known for its beautiful scenery, but it's not just that. Let's find out.



加拿大 / Canada

2021 人均 GDP / 2021 GDP per capita:USD$ 52,080(15th in the world)

總人口數 / Population:3840萬 / 38.4 M

官方語言 / Language:英語、法語 / English, French

首都:渥太華 / Capital:Ottawa

國土面積 / Area:9,985,000km²




Canadian History and Multiculturalism



PHOTO By Caio from pexels



Canada was originally a territory of the United Kingdom. It was established in 1867 and became the "Confederation of Canada"; In 1931, the United Kingdom passed ''The Statute of Westminster'', which gave Canada a certain degree of independence and autonomy in domestic and foreign affairs; On April 17, 1982, Queen Elizabeth II signed an order to terminate the power of the United Kingdom to amend the Canadian Constitution, and to hand over the power to the Canadian Parliament. At this time, Canada was considered fully independent and officially separated from the United Kingdom. Many people think that Canada should be about the same country age as the United States. It turns out that, as a North American country we are familiar with, Canada is unexpectedly young!


加拿大現由10個省份及3個特區所組成,國土面積為全球第2大,人口密度僅約3.85/ 平方公里(台灣約是它的170倍),是個地廣人稀的國度,但生活品質良好,在教育水準、人民自由度、政府透明度與經濟自由度等指標皆名列前茅,多次被聯合國及《富比士》雜誌評選為最適合居住國或退休移居國。加拿大擁有多元的種族及文化,同時也是一個典型的移民國家,約有25的人口屬於移民,其多元文化也受到憲法保障。

Canada is now composed of 10 provinces and 3 special zones. Its land area is the second largest in the world, and its population density is only about 3.85 people per square kilometer (Taiwan is about 170 times larger). It is a sparsely populated country. However, the quality of life is wonderful, ranking among the best in terms of education standards, liberty, government transparency, and economic freedom. It has been selected by the United Nations and "Forbes" magazine as the most suitable country to live or retire to. Canada has diverse races and cultures and is also a typical immigrant country. About 25% of the population belongs to immigrants, and its multiculturalism is also guaranteed by the constitution.



Famous Natural Sights in Autumn: Maple Leaves



PHOTO by leungchopan from envatoelements



Canada is known as the "Land of Maple Leaves". When you see the maple leaf on the national flag, you know that the natural landscape of maple leaves is a major feature of the country. Every autumn, tour groups from all over the world start to plan their itinerary to appreciate the maple leaf. You may ask why is it worth admiring? The colorful colors of red, orange, yellow, and green are at different levels, just like the nature has put on new clothes for autumn. How can you miss this pleasant scenery?



A "Maple Leaf Avenue" in the east connects Highways 40, 417, and 407, with a total length of about 800 kilometers. It runs through well-known cities such as Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec. Along the way, you can enjoy natural landscapes such as mountains, canyons, rivers, and lakes. You can take a tour of major cities while viewing the maple leaves. There are also good places to enjoy in the west, and the Rocky Mountain National Park is the best place to go.



The world's top-ranked "Outdoor Adventure City" is in Canada


Photo by imagexphoto from envatoelements


英國廣播公司 BBC 曾經票選過「戶外冒險城市」,其中加拿大的溫哥華獲得第一名。在溫哥華,戶外休閒活動像是登山、滑雪、騎自行車和攀岩等都非常方便,例如攀岩勝地斯闊米什(Squamish)就在溫哥華附近,且到處都有自行車道,而溫哥華距離世界知名的惠斯勒滑雪度假中心(Whistler-Blackcomb)只有115公里,所以溫哥華是結合自然與戶外運動的最佳典範。

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) once conducted a poll for the "Outdoor Adventure City," and Vancouver, Canada, claimed the top spot. In Vancouver, outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, skiing, cycling, and rock climbing are extremely accessible. For instance, the renowned climbing destination of Squamish is located near Vancouver, and there are cycling lanes throughout the city. Moreover, Vancouver is only 115 kilometers away from the world-famous Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort, making it an exemplary combination of nature and outdoor sports.



Canada also offers numerous renowned outdoor recreational activities, such as camping and canoeing. Camping is a beloved activity among Canadians, and the country provides a wealth of camping locations, ranging from national parks to provincial parks, offering facilities suitable for tents, RVs, or open-air camping. People can enjoy the beauty of the wilderness while camping, indulging in outdoor barbecues, campfires, and the splendor of the starry night sky. Additionally, Canada boasts numerous lakes and rivers, making it an ideal destination for canoeing and boating, allowing visitors to admire the picturesque landscapes and unique natural scenery.



Film Industry in Vancouver: Hollywood North



PHOTO  By BrianAJackson from envatoelements


美國有好萊塢,加拿大則有溫哥華。是的,雖然溫哥華不是加拿大的首都,但她是繼好萊塢和紐約之後,北美第三大的製片中心,因此又有「北方好萊塢」(Hollywood North)之稱。1988年,加拿大和美國簽署《加美自由貿易協定》後,外國製片人對於加拿大影視產業的投資大幅增加,美、加影視產業的合作也與日俱增。

There is Hollywood in the United States and Vancouver in Canada. Although Vancouver is not the capital of Canada, it is the third-largest film production center in North America after Hollywood and New York, so it is also known as "Hollywood North". In 1988, after Canada and the United States signed the ''Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement'', the investment of foreign producers in the Canadian film industry increased significantly, and the cooperation between the United States and Canada's film industry also increased day by day.


溫哥華經常被選為電影拍攝的地點,因為她的氣候──雲量適中,自然的光線有利於後期製作;而周邊擁有各種不同的環境,從森林、海灘等自然風景到高樓大廈或唐人街,能滿足各式的取景需求;加上當地政府減稅和補貼等政策,讓影人倍感親切。溫哥華電影學院(Vancouver Film SchoolVFS)也是影視教育產業的名校,每年秋季舉行的溫哥華國際電影節(Vancouver International Film FestivalVIFF)也吸引全球各地的影片前來參展。

Vancouver is often chosen as a filming location because of its climate - moderate cloudiness and natural light which is good for post-production. There are a variety of different environments around, from natural scenery such as forests and beaches to high-rise buildings or Chinatown, which can meet all kinds of framing needs. In addition, the local government's policies such as tax cuts and subsidies make filmmakers more willing to go. Vancouver Film School (VFS) is also a famous school in the education of the film industry. The Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) held every fall also attracts films from all over the world.



Quebec: the Crossroads of Europe and America



PHOTO by diegograndi from envatoelements


加拿大的魁北克省(法語:Québec / 英語:Quebec)是美洲主要的法語地區,也是加拿大一級行政區中,唯一將法語列為單一官方語言的省份,有「美麗之省」(法語:La belle province)的稱號。首府在魁北克市(法語:Ville de Québec / 英語:Quebec City),最大城為蒙特婁(法語:Montréal / 英語:Montreal)。

The Canadian province of Quebec (French: Québec) is the main French-speaking region in the Americas and the only province in Canada that lists French as a single official language. Besides, the name Quebec is also known as the province of beauty (French: La belle province). The capital is Quebec City (French: Ville de Québec), and the largest city is Montreal (French: Montréal).


作為加拿大的主要法語區,魁北克省與北美的主流文化有些距離,也由於歷史等因素,成為多種文化交融的地方,因而被形容成「歐洲和美洲的十字路口」,在魁北克同時融合了法國、美國和英國等異國文化,是個具有獨特魅力的省分。魁北克市也是北美最早開發的殖民地之一,保有許多古老的城牆建築,「魁北克歷史城區」於1985年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產。位於聖勞倫斯河岸旁的芳堤娜城堡(法語:Château Frontenac,又稱「芳堤娜古堡酒店」)於1893年落成,充滿古色古香,是魁北克市的知名地標。 

As the main French-speaking region of Canada, Quebec is somewhat distant from the mainstream culture in North America. Due to factors such as history, it has become a place where various cultures blend. Therefore, it is described as "the crossroads of Europe and America". Quebec is a province with a unique charm, which is a fusion of exotic cultures such as France, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Quebec City is also one of the earliest developed colonies in North America and retains many ancient cities. The ''Old Quebec'' was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. The Château Frontenac, located on the banks of the Saint Lawrence River, was completed in 1893 and is full of antiques. It is a well-known landmark in Quebec City.

🇪🇬 如果你的心臟比羽毛還重會怎樣?原來古埃及信仰有這個儀式

🇪🇬 如果你的心臟比羽毛還重會怎樣?原來古埃及信仰有這個儀式

依照常理判斷,心臟當然比羽毛還重,但是在古埃及的信仰中,死者靈魂的心臟如果比羽毛重,代表充滿罪惡,將會有嚴重的後果!古埃及文明由於神祕不可測而令人著迷,除了法老的陵墓金字塔之外,還有許多稀世珍寶的古文物收藏在埃及博物館內。而相較於古埃及死亡審判「非善即惡」的概念,還有另一種「萬物平衡」的觀點,這也是本次 D.G. Wander 所要探討的議題之一。
🇹🇼 台北,一個老東西心感動的城市,正在平行世界中翻轉與蛻變

🇹🇼 台北,一個老東西心感動的城市,正在平行世界中翻轉與蛻變

隨著各國陸續解封,台北也即將迎接來訪的外國觀光客。而你在台北看到了什麼?你想怎麼介紹這個城市?如何向國外的朋友介紹你我所熟知的台北? D.G. Wander 將為你帶來一個平行世界的台北:新與舊的世界。從歷史的源頭認識老台北,老東西孕育出懷舊的心感動;... 整座城市都是我的時間光廊!你將在新舊交融的台北中,找到台北這座城市的律動感。

🇹🇷 土耳其的首都不是伊斯坦堡 _ 2022年中已更改國名

D.G. Wander的世界漫遊來到土耳其。相信不少人看到標題會愣一下,土耳其首都不是伊斯坦堡嗎?正確答案是安卡拉(Ankara,舊稱「安哥拉」)。另外,土耳其已於2022/6/2將國名正式改為Türkiye,以避免之前Turkey類似「火雞」的諧音。解封旅遊潮在即,土耳其航空已從Turkish Airlines更名為Türk Hava Yolları,想下訂機票前請再三確認,以免錯過相關的資訊。

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