
What would happen if your heart were heavier than a feather? It turns out that ancient Egypt had this ritual.


依照常理判斷,心臟當然比羽毛還重,但是在古埃及的信仰中,死者靈魂的心臟如果比羽毛重,代表充滿罪惡,將會有嚴重的後果!古埃及文明由於神祕不可測而令人著迷,除了法老的陵墓金字塔之外,還有許多稀世珍寶的古文物收藏在埃及博物館內。而相較於古埃及死亡審判「非善即惡」的概念,還有另一種「萬物平衡」的觀點,這也是本次 D.G. Wander 所要探討的議題之一。

According to common understanding, the heart is certainly heavier than a feather, but in the beliefs of ancient Egypt, if the heart of the deceased weighed more than a feather, it symbolized a heavy burden of sin and would result in severe consequences! The mysterious civilization of ancient Egypt has fascinated people, with not only the pyramids of the pharaohs but also a wealth of rare and precious artifacts housed in the Egyptian Museum. In addition to the concept of a binary judgment of "good or evil" in ancient Egyptian afterlife, there is also the idea of "balance in all things," which is one of the topics to be explored in this discussion.



The Symbol of Pharaoh's Supreme Power: The Pyramids of Ancient Egyptian Civilization


Photo by Nada Habashy from Unsplash



The pyramids of Egypt are among the most famous ancient structures in the world, representing the grandeur and colossal engineering achievements of ancient Egyptian civilization. These pyramids served as the tombs of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, designed to house their remains and wealth, ensuring their safety and happiness in the afterlife. The earliest pyramids were built around 2700 BCE, while the last ones were constructed around 1800 BCE.


大部分金字塔都位於埃及首都開羅附近的吉薩高原,這個地區也稱為「金字塔區」。吉薩高原上最著名的金字塔是「古夫金字塔」(Pyramid of Khufu),又稱「吉薩大金字塔」(Great Pyramid of Giza),是最著名的金字塔之一,也是最大的。它建於西元前約2580年,是埃及法老古夫的陵墓。這座金字塔原來高度約146.6公尺,但由於石灰岩外層的剝落,現在的高度為約138.8公尺。古夫金字塔內部包括一系列的通道、大廳和室內墓室。

Most of the pyramids are located on the Giza Plateau near the Egyptian capital, Cairo, in an area known as the “Pyramid Complex.” The most famous pyramid on the Giza Plateau is the “Pyramid of Khufu,” also known as the “Great Pyramid of Giza,” which is one of the most renowned and the largest pyramids. It was constructed around 2580 BCE as the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Originally, this pyramid had a height of approximately 146.6 meters, but due to the erosion of the outer layer of limestone, its current height is approximately 138.8 meters. The interior of the Pyramid of Khufu contains a series of passageways, chambers, and inner burial rooms.


Photo by Givaga from envatoelements



The pyramids symbolize the power and divine status of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, serving as an emblem of the ancient Egyptian civilization. They hold immense significance in the fields of archaeology, historical research, and tourism. The construction of pyramids required highly precise measurements and calculations, revealing the advanced engineering and mathematical skills of the ancient Egyptians.



The Egyptian Museum: A Glimpse of Rare Treasures from Ancient Egypt


Photo by 2H Media from Unsplash


埃及博物館(Egyptian Museum),也稱開羅博物館(Museum of Egyptian Antiquities),是位於埃及首都開羅的一座世界著名的博物館,收藏了大量珍貴的古代埃及文物,是世界上最重要的考古博物館之一。埃及博物館成立於1902年,最初是作為埃及考古學家奧古斯特.馬里特(François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette)的私人收藏而建立的。隨後,該博物館逐漸擴展其收藏,並向公眾開放參觀。

The Egyptian Museum, also known as the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, is a world-renowned museum located in the capital city of Egypt, Cairo. It houses a vast collection of valuable ancient Egyptian artifacts and is among the most significant archaeological museums in the world. The Egyptian Museum was established in 1902, originally as a private collection of the Egyptian archaeologist François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette. Over time, the museum expanded its collection and became open to the public for viewing.


Photo by Bjørn Christian Tørrissen



The interior of the Egyptian Museum showcases a breathtaking collection. While the exterior of the building is relatively simple, the interior houses multiple galleries displaying thousands of ancient artifacts. The collection includes items from various historical periods of ancient Egypt. The most famous exhibit is the “Golden Mask of Tutankhamun,” which is the golden funerary mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, one of Egypt's most prized treasures, renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and gold adornments.



Which is heavier, the heart or the feather? The death judgment in ancient Egyptian belief.


Photo by the British Museum


古埃及信仰也是大眾所好奇的一部分,當中存在一種被稱為「心臟稱重」(Weighing of the Heart)的儀式,它是古埃及死後世界觀中的一個關鍵部分,通常與死者的靈魂在來世是否能夠進入永恆的幸福有關。這個儀式發生在死者經過一系列審判之後,被稱為「死者之地」的地方,也被稱為「冥界」或者「艾努」(Aaru)。

Ancient Egyptian beliefs have also been a source of curiosity for the masses, featuring a ritual known as the 'Weighing of the Heart.' This ritual constitutes a crucial part of the ancient Egyptian afterlife worldview and is often linked to whether the soul of the deceased can enter eternal happiness in the hereafter. The ceremony takes place after the deceased undergoes a series of judgments in a place referred to as the “Land of the Dead,” also known as the “Underworld” or “Aaru.”



In this ritual, it is said that the heart of the deceased is placed on a scale and weighed against the feather of the goddess Ma'at, the deity of truth. If the heart is heavier than the feather, it is seen as an indication of the deceased's past sins and unethical actions, and their soul faces the fate of being devoured by the monster Ammit. However, if the heart is lighter than the feather, it signifies that the soul of the deceased is pure, and they can proceed to the blissful afterlife.



Who is Good, Who is Evil? The Dual Opposition of the Trinity and Lucifer.



在古埃及的信仰中,道德的是非善惡是分明的,藉由審判的儀式來檢視亡者的一生的德性與罪惡。然而在 D.G. Lampaulus 的小說畫集《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》當中卻不是如此。川里堤是創造萬物的光明之神,路西法則是背叛祂的撒旦之王,依照古埃及的道德論,路西法應該被吞噬靈魂;而依照二元對立的觀點,川里堤與路西法兩人應該是勢不兩立的存在。

In ancient Egyptian beliefs, the distinction between good and evil is clear, assessed through a ritualistic judgment to examine the virtues and sins of the deceased. However, in D.G. Lampaulus' graphic novel series “Trinity & Lucifer,” it is not so straightforward. Trinity is the benevolent god who created all things, while Lucifer is the Satanic king who betrayed him. According to ancient Egyptian morality, Lucifer should have her soul devoured, but in the context of dualistic opposition, Trinity and Lucifer are depicted as irreconcilable beings.




From the Eastern concept of Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang are both generative and opposing elements that exist in various forms in the natural world, such as light and darkness, positive and negative, good and evil, and so on. Trinity and Lucifer are like Yin and Yang, indispensable entities in the universe. They are akin to light and shadow, coexisting and interdependent. Once one is absent, balance is disrupted, and all things cease to exist, as nothing can come into being.



Balance in All Things: The Mysterious Egyptian Cat Messenger





The Mysterious Egyptian Cat Messenger (Caption in an Art Collection):

"The mystery of the universe lies in its polarities; between these poles are filled with energy and magnetic fields, these are the life elements upon which we depend. Learning to find the balance point is crucial for the longevity of all things. Relying excessively on either pole and embracing extremes will inevitably lead to downfall. "


在小說畫集《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》當中,神秘的埃及貓信使就給予我們這樣的啟示。宇宙的奧秘在於兩極,我們也可以從能量的相互激盪來看待,兩極的能量都是我們賴以維生的元素。川里堤和路西法分別是陽與陰、光明與黑暗的代表,祂們之間不應只有抗爭,更多的是互相依存的關係,需要互補其不足才能平衡萬物。從古埃及信仰的死亡審判,互比萬物平衡的概念,萬事萬物都有其不同的面貌與形態,我們應該以更寬廣的視野,重新去認識這個世界。

In the novel series "Trinity & Lucifer," the enigmatic Egyptian cat messenger imparts this revelation to us. The mystery of the universe lies in its polarities, and we can also view it as the interplay of energies. The energies of both poles are the elements upon which we rely for our existence. Trinity and Lucifer represent the embodiments of yang and yin, light and darkness, and their relationship is not just one of conflict but of interdependence, where they need to complement each other's deficiencies to maintain balance. From the ancient Egyptian belief in the judgment of the dead to the concept of balance in all things, everything in the world has its unique facets and forms. We should approach this world with a broader perspective, seeking to rediscover it.

🇪🇬 如果你的心臟比羽毛還重會怎樣?原來古埃及信仰有這個儀式

🇪🇬 如果你的心臟比羽毛還重會怎樣?原來古埃及信仰有這個儀式

依照常理判斷,心臟當然比羽毛還重,但是在古埃及的信仰中,死者靈魂的心臟如果比羽毛重,代表充滿罪惡,將會有嚴重的後果!古埃及文明由於神祕不可測而令人著迷,除了法老的陵墓金字塔之外,還有許多稀世珍寶的古文物收藏在埃及博物館內。而相較於古埃及死亡審判「非善即惡」的概念,還有另一種「萬物平衡」的觀點,這也是本次 D.G. Wander 所要探討的議題之一。
🇹🇼 台北,一個老東西心感動的城市,正在平行世界中翻轉與蛻變

🇹🇼 台北,一個老東西心感動的城市,正在平行世界中翻轉與蛻變

隨著各國陸續解封,台北也即將迎接來訪的外國觀光客。而你在台北看到了什麼?你想怎麼介紹這個城市?如何向國外的朋友介紹你我所熟知的台北? D.G. Wander 將為你帶來一個平行世界的台北:新與舊的世界。從歷史的源頭認識老台北,老東西孕育出懷舊的心感動;... 整座城市都是我的時間光廊!你將在新舊交融的台北中,找到台北這座城市的律動感。

🇹🇷 土耳其的首都不是伊斯坦堡 _ 2022年中已更改國名

D.G. Wander的世界漫遊來到土耳其。相信不少人看到標題會愣一下,土耳其首都不是伊斯坦堡嗎?正確答案是安卡拉(Ankara,舊稱「安哥拉」)。另外,土耳其已於2022/6/2將國名正式改為Türkiye,以避免之前Turkey類似「火雞」的諧音。解封旅遊潮在即,土耳其航空已從Turkish Airlines更名為Türk Hava Yolları,想下訂機票前請再三確認,以免錯過相關的資訊。

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