與新加坡僅一線之隔 _ 馬來西亞建設大型經濟特區

The large construction of a special economic zone in Malaysia, a country nearby Singapore


D.G. Wander巡迴完新加坡,這次來到鄰國馬來西亞,來一探這南洋之國的身影:令人好奇的峇峇娘惹文化、依斯干達經濟特區、亞洲第一座樂高樂園、來自英國的松木片場,以及馬來料理中的主角叻沙(Laksa)。

After D.G. Wander's tour of Singapore, he then came to Malaysia this time, to explore the special elements of this Southeast Asian country. There is the attractive culture of Baba and Nyonya, the special economic zone in Iskandar, the first Asian Legoland, the British Pinewood studio, and the protagonist of Malay cuisine, Laksa.




馬來西亞 / Malaysia

2021 人均 GDP / 2021 GDP per capita:USD$11,410(69th in the world)

總人口數 / Population:3330萬 / 33.3 million

官方語言 / Language:馬來西亞語/ Bahasa Malaysia

首都 / Capital:吉隆坡 / Kuala Lumpur

國土面積 / Area:329,847 km²



Is Nyonya not only a dish but also a representation of culture?



Photo by tehcheesiong from envatoelemants


大家一定都聽過娘惹美食,但其實「娘惹」是多元種族融合所產生的一種文化。在馬來西亞,「峇峇娘惹」(馬來語:Baba Nyonya,又稱「土生華人」)指的是中國移民與東南亞原住民通婚的後裔,男性稱為「峇峇」,女性則稱為「娘惹」,有一說是取自閩南語「阿爸」和「阿娘」的諧音而來。

You must have heard about the Nyonya dishes, and in fact, "Nyonya" is a culture created by the integration of multiple ethnicities. In Malaysia, "Baba Nyonya", or Peranakan, can be referred to as the offspring of intermarriage of Chinese immigrants and Southeast Asian aborigines. Males are called Baba and females are called Nyonya. There is a saying that it is derived from the homophonic pronunciation of "Aba" and "Aniang" in Hokkien.



During the epoch of Zheng He's voyages in the Ming Dynasty in China, lots of migrants moved to Southeast Asia and intermarried with local people. Besides, most of them were from Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, and Chaozhou. The culture of Baba Nyonya is mainly a mixture of Malay and Chinese cultures and has a certain influence on Malaysian culture. The people there pay more attention to etiquette, customs, and seniority rules, their weddings and funerals are mainly present in traditional Chinese styles. The Nyonya food culture is popular in places such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, and is known for its strong taste, the use of various Malay spices, and the sweet and spicy taste.



Following the example of Shenzhen, a large special economic zone has been established in the country next to Singapore.



Photo from PropSocial Editor

Photo by Afifi Zulkifle from envatoelemants


由於中國深圳經濟特區的成功,馬來西亞借鏡其經驗,特別於20067月宣布在柔佛州南部區域成立「馬來西亞依斯干達」(Iskandar MalaysiaIM),期望能藉由大型且全面性的經濟特區,成功帶動馬來西亞的整體經濟。

Due to the success of China's Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the Malay government announced the establishment of "Iskandar Malaysia" (IM) in the southern region of Johor in July 2006. It is hoped that the large-scale and comprehensive special economic zone can successfully drive the overall economy of Malaysia.



Iskandar covers an area of 2,217 square kilometers and consists of five local government administrative areas, including the administrative center of Johor "Iskandar Puteri". The special zone is divided into five zones, A, B, C, D, and E. It is planned to include a commercial zone, a financial zone, a medical zone, an education zone, a holiday resort, a logistics distribution center, a port, an industrial zone and an international airport. All hardware facilities are available. In 2019, Iskandar expanded to 4,794 square kilometers.



Iskandar has a unique geographical location. It is only a 3-hour drive from the capital Kuala Lumpur and 50 minutes from Singapore. There are also Indonesia's Batam Economic Development Zone and the Strait of Malacca. The preferential tax policy also attracts various investments. But there is still room to catch up with the economic goals set at the beginning.



The first Asian Legoland, with 18 miniature national attractions!



Photo from agoda



The Legoland in Malaysia is located in Iskandar Puteri, and it is the 6th Legoland in the world and the 1st in Asia. A total of 50 million building blocks are used to create 15,000 models of which six of the block builders went to California and Denmark to train for several months. It cost about 235 million US dollars, covers an area of 31 hectares (about 94,000 ping), and opened on September 15, 2012.



The design of the park is suitable for all ages, and there are also interactive experiences specially designed for children under 12 years old. There are 7 theme parks in this lego world, of which the largest “Miniland” park uses 30 million building blocks to create 18 famous Asian attractions in a 1:20 scale. In addition to the Petronas Towers in Malaysia itself, there are also Merlion in Singapore, Taj Mahal in India, and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Moreover, there are various restaurants, Lego water parks and Lego hotels, which not only satisfy the curiosity of children, but also covers the convenience for adults.



The well-known film and television institution has chosen Malaysia to build the ASEAN Hollywood.





In the Iskandar special economic zone, there is another amazing area named the Pinewood Studio. Due to economic policies such as tax incentives, many foreign investments have been attracted. Among them, the British Pinewood Studios is one of the most well-known organizations. It is the largest studio in Europe and has produced 007, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, and other series of movies.





Due to the rise of the Asian film and television market in recent years, and the incentive of a 30% tax discount, the first Asian studio of Pinewood Studios chose to settle in Iskandar, Malaysia. The first batch of funds invested was as high as 170 million US dollars. The studio covers an area of more than 60,000 square meters and has the largest paddock water tank in Southeast Asia. The first work to be filmed is the epic Netflix series "Marco Polo". The Pinewood studio in Iskandar has not only made Johor the city of film in Malaysia, but also an ASEAN Hollywood just around the corner.



The protagonist of Malay cuisine, was also selected as the 7th place in CNN's global cuisine.



Photo by tehcheesiong from envatoelemants

Photo by tehcheesiong from envatoelemants

Photo by Shaiith from envatoelemants



Travelers who have been to Malaysia must be fond of local delicacies. Due to the fusion of various ethnic food cultures, Malaysia has a variety of cuisines. In addition to Nyonya dishes, the most well-known is Laksa.


叻沙是馬來西亞最具代表性的料理之一,不同族群與地區的烹調方式和口味都大異其趣。馬來西亞華人所指的「叻沙」,通常是咖哩叻沙(Curry Laksa)或亞參叻沙(Asam Laksa)。咖哩叻沙綜合了馬來人、華人和娘惹的飲食文化,以椰奶作為湯頭,味道濃郁;亞參叻沙味道則偏酸辣,湯底以鮮魚熬製,最後會將魚肉去骨去刺,再加入蝦膏來品嚐。亞參叻沙的美味也受到CNN的認證,將它評選為全球50大美食中的第7名。

Laksa is one of the most representative dishes in Malaysia. Different ethnic groups and regions have different cooking methods and tastes. What Malaysian Chinese call "laksa" is usually Curry Laksa or Asam Laksa. The curry laksa combines the food culture of Malays, Chinese and Nyonya. The coconut milk is used as the soup, which has a strong taste, and the taste for the Assam is usually sour and spicy, which its soup base is made with fresh fish. The fish in it would be deboned and thorned and added with shrimp paste to taste. The deliciousness of Assam Laksa has also been certified by CNN, which ranked it No. 7 in the world's top 50 delicacies.



Nanyang style ramen in Dotard Village




D.G. Wander相關企業糊塗里私廚酒窖Dotard Village目前正推出充滿南洋風味的蝦湯海鮮拉麵,讓你不出國也能體驗道地的星馬料理。瀏覽完世界漫遊的新加坡篇,順便也來一趟美食之旅吧!

Dotard Village, a company related to D.G. Wander, is currently launching Nanyang-style ramen that allow you to experience authentic Singapore-Malaysia style cuisine without going abroad. After browsing this new chapter of world roaming in Singapore, let's take a food tour by the way!


🇪🇬 如果你的心臟比羽毛還重會怎樣?原來古埃及信仰有這個儀式

🇪🇬 如果你的心臟比羽毛還重會怎樣?原來古埃及信仰有這個儀式

依照常理判斷,心臟當然比羽毛還重,但是在古埃及的信仰中,死者靈魂的心臟如果比羽毛重,代表充滿罪惡,將會有嚴重的後果!古埃及文明由於神祕不可測而令人著迷,除了法老的陵墓金字塔之外,還有許多稀世珍寶的古文物收藏在埃及博物館內。而相較於古埃及死亡審判「非善即惡」的概念,還有另一種「萬物平衡」的觀點,這也是本次 D.G. Wander 所要探討的議題之一。
🇹🇼 台北,一個老東西心感動的城市,正在平行世界中翻轉與蛻變

🇹🇼 台北,一個老東西心感動的城市,正在平行世界中翻轉與蛻變

隨著各國陸續解封,台北也即將迎接來訪的外國觀光客。而你在台北看到了什麼?你想怎麼介紹這個城市?如何向國外的朋友介紹你我所熟知的台北? D.G. Wander 將為你帶來一個平行世界的台北:新與舊的世界。從歷史的源頭認識老台北,老東西孕育出懷舊的心感動;... 整座城市都是我的時間光廊!你將在新舊交融的台北中,找到台北這座城市的律動感。

🇹🇷 土耳其的首都不是伊斯坦堡 _ 2022年中已更改國名

D.G. Wander的世界漫遊來到土耳其。相信不少人看到標題會愣一下,土耳其首都不是伊斯坦堡嗎?正確答案是安卡拉(Ankara,舊稱「安哥拉」)。另外,土耳其已於2022/6/2將國名正式改為Türkiye,以避免之前Turkey類似「火雞」的諧音。解封旅遊潮在即,土耳其航空已從Turkish Airlines更名為Türk Hava Yolları,想下訂機票前請再三確認,以免錯過相關的資訊。

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