鹹香與酸辣的香濃氣息 煙花女義大利麵
Savory, Zesty, Aromatic Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca
The most iconic Italian dish known to mankind is probably pasta. It is versatile and comes in all shapes and sizes for specific dishes. In fact there’s actually over 1000 variations of pasta!
義大利麵,義語為Pasta,源自於拉丁語,英文也沿用這個字,意思是「麵團」。一般的義大利直麵稱為Spaghetti,依據不同粗細而有以下稱呼:Spaghettoni是較厚的義大利粉;Spaghettini是較細的義大利麵;Capellini是更細的義大利麵,又稱為「天使(細)麵」。不同形狀的義大利麵也有相異的名稱,例如:通心粉(Maccheroni、Cannolicchi medi或Rigatoni)、斜管麵(Penne)、螺絲粉(Fusilli、Gemelli或Rotini)、千層麵(Lasagna)、貝殼麵(Conchigliette或Conchiglioni),甚至是義式餛飩(tortellini)等等,種類繁多。
The word Pasta originates from the Latin language and it means dough. The most common form of pasta would be Spaghetti but there’s actually capellini aka angel hair because of its thinness; Rigatoni which is a thick version of tubed pasta; Fusilli, a spiral shaped pasta and many many more .
The origin of Pasta : Age of Roman Empire

Photo by alleksana from Pexels
從羅馬帝國的麵食說起 關於義大利麵的起源與演變軌跡,也是眾說紛紜。有人追溯自西元前12世紀至前6世紀,位於義大利半島中北部的「伊特拉斯坎文明」,但並未被廣泛接受。而約於西元前1世紀的羅馬皇帝屋大維時期,富裕的羅馬帝國因人口急遽增加而造成糧食短缺問題,於是大量生產一種起源於古希臘時期,可長期保存的餅狀麵團,稱為Lagana,並成為羅馬人的主食。這也是義大利最早可溯源的麵食之一。
The origin of Age of Roman Empire There's many variations to finding the root and one of them can be dated between 12th century BC to 6th century BC, located north central Italy (Etruscans Civilisations). It was not popularized and adopted till 1st Century AD with the rise of the Roman Empire, the increase in population led to food shortage and then came about Lagana(a preserved dough) became the main staple. That is possibly the earliest indicative source to pasta.
Interestingly enough during the 2nd century AD, Egyptian born scholar Athenaeus documented in his book “Deipnosophistae” about the preparation of Lagana. The recipe mentioned about layering the pasta in between meat sauce and that is what we know today as Lasagna.
Early Migration: Food influence and development

Photo by karandaev from encatoelements
Early 6-7th Century AD, the Arabics lived on Sicily Island and adopted China’s way of eating stranded dough staple. By combining local ingredients of wheat, the thinly stranded noodle-like staple quickly became a popular food choice. Many argued that spaghetti was actually introduced by Marco Polo when he visited China and that was how this saying came about.

Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels
文藝復興時期(14至16世紀),各式各樣的配料與醬汁搭配不同麵條,使得義大利麵的口味愈加豐富多變;地理大發現(15至17世紀)之後,各種從美洲進口的蔬菜,也開始被嘗試運用在義大利麵中烹調。威尼斯在1740年誕生第一家專門製作義大利麵麵條的工廠,而番茄也約莫在此時逐漸成為義大利麵的配料,衍生出許多經典的義大利麵口味,例如「番茄肉醬義大利麵」(Spaghetti Bolognese),就是從北方的波隆那開始流傳的。19世紀全歐洲都可見到義大利麵的蹤跡,直至今日成為全球知名的義大利料理。
By 13th Century AD, spaghetti quickly became a very popular staple within the whole of Italy. During the renaissance, there were already many different kinds of pasta with sauces and there were many different favor profiled pastas. Later with trade influences the first commercial pasta factory was born in Venice. Many classic dishes also came about after pasta was made more easily accessible and one of which would be Spaghetti Bolognese which came from Bologna, a classic dish with a marriage of tomato, meat and pasta.
Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca: A controversial pasta

Photo by Timolina from encatoelements
關於煙花女義大利麵(spaghetti alla puttanesca)的由來,可以從字面上望文生義。義語Puttana是指「娼妓」,傳說她們在等恩客上門之前,會先到隔壁的餐館享用這道料理,補充體力後再準備「上路」。飽餐一頓後的香濃氣味容易吸引男人光顧,正可說是「吃了再上」!所以這道菜又俗稱「妓女麵」,「煙花女麵」則是譯成中文後較為含蓄文雅的稱呼。既重鹹又酸辣的濃烈氣息,就像豪放不羈的風塵女郎一般,因此「煙花女麵」又是一種形容和隱喻的修辭法。
Origin from Naples, the surface interpretation of “puttana” means roughly “whore” or “prostitute”. It was rumored to be consumed by sex workers for its strong flavors gave them appetite to eat. The sauce is very savory, sour and has a strong aroma from garlic, anchovies, tomato, spice and capers hence resemblance to perfume worn by the women.
另外一則故事就更有趣了。在1950年代的拿坡里,某天有一群客人在打烊的酒館裡大鬧一場,硬是要老闆端出一道料理來,甚至有人餓到脫口而出:「給老子來一盤他X的什麼能吃的都好」(義語:Facci una puttanata qualsiasi),於是老闆急中生智,將冰箱中僅存的幾項配料做成醬汁,淋上麵條就趕緊端上桌。沒想到這臨時抱佛腳的料理,卻讓眾人讚不絕口,此後老闆就在菜單裡添加Spaghetti alla Puttanesca這道料理,也就是「煙花女義大利麵」,如今已成為義大利麵中經典的口味。
However there was another clarification to the meaning of dish as it meant “give me whatever you have” where the chef basically threw all leftover ingredients into the pan and created the dish.
This Pasta basically has 3 main components : capers, olives and anchovies. It is very salty with anchovies and sour from the capers. It has good flavor memory and was widely well received.
A blend of passion and busting flavors: Dotard Village’s Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca
Anchovies, capers, olives, onion, chili, tomato, black pepper - A marriage of Lazio and Naples styled version of the dish. Providing a robust flavor profile of savory, aromatics, sweet, spicy. Every bite of it is like fireworks in your mouth. Pairing with a classic Italian Chianti, one could wish for nothing more.