將時空的變幻轉化為療癒力量 糊塗里藝廊湯潔安個展

Turn the Changes of Time and Space into Power of Healing:
Ann Tang Solo Exhibition in Dotard Village Gallery


在凡事追求速度與效率的現代社會中,人們經常忽略環境與事物間緩慢而細微的變化。因此,當我們驚覺物是人非,發生意想不到的巨變時,才知曉時光飛逝之後的種種歲月痕跡。生在這個時代的我們,又該如何因應外在環境所帶來的不安和焦慮,並找尋自我療癒的力量?致力於連結全球各地新銳藝術家的Dotard Village Gallery 糊塗里國際藝廊,近期邀請台灣藝術家湯潔安,於藝廊內打造一場匠心獨具的個展:「始於光‧至於徑」(Light & Path),其關照環境與群己關係的獨特視角,非常值得觀賞玩味。

In modern society looking for speed efficiency, people usually ignore all subtle changes in the environment we live. Therefore, the traces of the years are only known when unexpected changes occur. How can we cope with the anxiety caused by the environment and meet the power healing ourselves? Dotard Village Gallery connects with emerging artists from all over the world. Recently, Taiwanese artist Ann Tang was invited to present her solo exhibition in Dotard Village Gallery: Light & Path, a unique perspective on the relationship between the environment and the group, which is very worth watching.


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path



In the vast universe of human beings, time and space are the basis for the operation of all things. If there is no space, there is no place for things as small as dust; and if there is no time, there is no "past, present and future". As a landscape architect and florist, artist Ann Tang presents her concept of symbiosis of time and space through sculpture works and has insight into the changes of environment and events. Using various objects (such as ink and paper), with her own language, she turns dynamic and stereoscopic life events into static, flat artworks with strong emotions.


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path



In recent years, domestic and foreign art critics have paid more and more attention to Ann Tang and her works. She observes her own relationship to events from a third perspective and continually examines her own experiences. Recording special feelings through sculpture, transforming it into self-growth, and bringing new inspiration through these messages to the audience. In this way, she presents the unforgettable spiritual scenes in "Light & Path." In addition to exploring the changes between self and environment, as well as space and time, Ann Tang’s works are also good at deducing irrelevant events. All her works are well-arranged to make people think and dig deep into their hearts, makes them smile with understanding.


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path


當這個世界越是繁忙到令人麻木,我們就越需要靜下來感受事物,並深刻地思考。糊塗里國際藝廊不僅建立藝術品、藝術家和藏家之間的交流空間,作為藝術圈和社會大眾連結的中心,也致力讓更多人能輕鬆體驗藝術,享受藝術和你我之間自在而美好的對話。給心靈一段跨越時空的旅行,漫步在Dotard Village Gallery糊塗里國際藝廊,或許你會遇見畢生難忘、屬於自己的心靈場景。

The busier the world is, the more we need to be peaceful, feeling things and thinking deeply. Dotard Village Gallery not only establishes a communicating space between artworks, artists and collectors, but also connects the art circle and the public, making more people to experience art and enjoy the freedom and beauty come with it. May please give you soul a free journey in Dotard Village Gallery. You may possibly encounter your own unforgettable spiritual scene of life.


始於光‧至於徑 Light & Path


物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

 「物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展」於112年9月6日至9月17日在國立中正紀念堂2展廳展出。主辦單位 DVG Taipei 更與 D.G. Charity Global 合作,將藝術與慈善結合,並推出100%X100% 慈善計畫,希望能藉由慈善藝術的推動,以正向的力量改變社會,甚至改變世界,最後促成良善的循環。
心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

藝術是人類與生俱來的共同語言,文學是譜寫靈魂與觸動共鳴的樂章。透過畫作及文字抒發一下平日的生活細節,感嘆一下生命的高低起迭。進入 D.G. Lampaulus 的藝術於文學世界,最簡單的文字,最樸實的畫風,在繁囂的都市裏,享受樂得浮生半日閒的輕鬆。


你有想過,西方神話中的路西法,有一天會化身為女媧煉石補天,阻止大洪水的災難嗎?這就是作家 D.G. Lampaulus 的奇思妙想,他的小說畫集《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》充滿融合東西方哲學與世界觀的趣味,舉凡以太極的陰陽去解釋伊甸園神話、將《西遊記》的齊天大聖孫悟空與《聖經》中聖子默西亞的故事並置同觀,以及世界各地共同擁有記載的大洪水神話,將這些東西方的傳說、神話與文學經典融為一體,經過消化後轉化為獨特新穎的創作風格。

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