平凡的盛宴:讚賞日常生活之美 _ 領略豐富的饗宴

An Ordinary Feast: Appreciating the Beauty of Everyday Life - Discovering a Rich Banquet.



The exhibition at the Huto International Gallery, titled "Ordinary Feast," showcases the works of artist He Huizhi. She is an artist who follows the path of producing a small quantity of high-quality artworks. In this exhibition, she presents seven of her paintings, all of which are still-life artworks related to everyday objects. However, each piece possesses unique characteristics that not only capture your attention but also leave a lasting impression in your memory. Besides their rich compositions, her works often convey messages, occasionally utilizing religious imagery and symbols, adding depth to her creations.



Utilizing Taiwanese local elements, exhibiting artworks at foreign embassies.

《玉山生態之美》"The Beauty of Yushan's Ecology"



In her artwork "The Beauty of Yushan's Ecology," He Huizhi not only focuses on a striking cluster of flowerpots in the center but also incorporates elements of Taiwan's native species. Numerous birds, including the familiar Formosan black bear, can be spotted in the painting, with another bear climbing a tree in the distance. This is one of He Huizhi's clever techniques. At first glance, it appears to be a simple still-life painting, but careful observation reveals hidden mysteries within.



Due to the incorporation of Taiwan's local elements in many of her works, similar to "The Beauty of Yushan's Ecology," some pieces are collected and exhibited in foreign embassies or related institutions. Through He Huizhi's artworks, our allied nations have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Taiwan. It turns out that the beauty of art can also be combined with diplomatic protocol.



Integrating Christian allegories, infusing faith into artistic creations.




As a devout Christian, He Huizhi imbues some of her paintings with religious significance. For instance, the abundance of "food" depicted represents God's grace and serves as a metaphor for the beauty of everyday life. The seeds in "Lo Shên's Flower" symbolize "God's truth" and the concept of continuous growth. In "Jacob's Ladder and Red Bean Soup," she directly references the story of Jacob and Esau's sibling rivalry from the Bible. "Living Water Spring" represents the presence of Jesus Christ. Although these stories and themes are ancient, the techniques employed are contemporary.


《雅各的天梯與紅豆湯》"Jacob's Ladder and Red Bean Soup"



It is not difficult to notice the biblical metaphors related to fruits and seeds. Perhaps for this reason, "flowers" are a frequently used element in He Huizhi's paintings. Flowers, fruits, and seeds are intertwined, and the prominently displayed floral arrangements in her artwork may not merely represent plants but also emphasize the beauty of everyday life through religious symbolism.


《活水泉源》"Living Water Spring"



Using different media and differentiating between the parts and the whole to bring novelty to the creations.


《炸蝦》"Deep-Fried Shrimp"



By utilizing different media and distinguishing between the local and the whole, He Huizhi brings freshness to her creations. In the pieces "Deep-Fried Shrimp" and "Lemon and Chocolate," she explores various mixed media techniques, such as using acrylics, which give the canvas a slightly rough texture, setting them apart from her other oil paintings. Although both are still-life paintings featuring food, they provide viewers with different visual experiences.


《檸檬與巧克力》"Lemon and Chocolate" 



The ingenuity of He Huizhi's artwork extends beyond this. The composition of her paintings often undergoes various transformations. Sometimes, when viewed in parts, they evoke a sense of abstract art, but when observed as a whole, they form concrete and realistic compositions. It is through these inspirations, ingenuity, and the use of religious allusions that her still-life paintings stand out from the rest.



Ordinary things around us can also be as splendid as a feast.

《彩椒》"Bell Pepper"



The exhibition is titled "Ordinary Feast," reminding us that "ordinary things" can also be a "splendid feast." Our everyday lives hold numerous overlooked beauties, and through He Huizhi's creations, we can appreciate that "beauty" is actually very close to us. It all depends on whether we are willing to appreciate it. If you carefully observe a piece of artwork, you may be amazed or deeply moved by its meaning. Life may seem ordinary, but with a different perspective, it can also be a rich and abundant feast.



藝術家: 賀蕙芝 Huey-Chih Ho
展覽期間:2023/03/11 - 2023/04/22

Exhibition Title: An Ordinary Feast

Artist: Huey-Chih Ho

Exhibition Period: March 11, 2023 - April 22, 2023

Exhibition Hours: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)

Exhibition Venue: Dotard Village Gallery (1st Floor, No. 6, Lane 6, Xinzhong Street, Songshan District, Taipei City)

物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

 「物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展」於112年9月6日至9月17日在國立中正紀念堂2展廳展出。主辦單位 DVG Taipei 更與 D.G. Charity Global 合作,將藝術與慈善結合,並推出100%X100% 慈善計畫,希望能藉由慈善藝術的推動,以正向的力量改變社會,甚至改變世界,最後促成良善的循環。
心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

藝術是人類與生俱來的共同語言,文學是譜寫靈魂與觸動共鳴的樂章。透過畫作及文字抒發一下平日的生活細節,感嘆一下生命的高低起迭。進入 D.G. Lampaulus 的藝術於文學世界,最簡單的文字,最樸實的畫風,在繁囂的都市裏,享受樂得浮生半日閒的輕鬆。


你有想過,西方神話中的路西法,有一天會化身為女媧煉石補天,阻止大洪水的災難嗎?這就是作家 D.G. Lampaulus 的奇思妙想,他的小說畫集《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》充滿融合東西方哲學與世界觀的趣味,舉凡以太極的陰陽去解釋伊甸園神話、將《西遊記》的齊天大聖孫悟空與《聖經》中聖子默西亞的故事並置同觀,以及世界各地共同擁有記載的大洪水神話,將這些東西方的傳說、神話與文學經典融為一體,經過消化後轉化為獨特新穎的創作風格。

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