物質的轉向──D.G. Charity Global Project 1

Transformation of Matter–D.G. Charity Global Project 1




"Everything is not truly a physical entity. The emergence of an object does not come from pre-existing things; it persists as if it has always existed, and yet it will never come to an end."


宇宙中萬物緊密聯繫且不斷流轉,它們的存留與變化是綿延不斷並非永恆不變。因此 DVG TAIPEI 以 D.G. Lampaulus 畫作作為媒介,並與 D.G. Charity Global 合作,以展覽形式進行第一號實驗計畫。

All things in the universe are closely interconnected and in constant flow; their existence and changes are continuous and not eternal. Therefore, DVG TAIPEI, in collaboration with D.G. Charity Global, uses the artwork of D.G. Lampaulus as a medium to carry out the first experimental project in the form of an exhibition.


D.G. Charity Global Project 1,試圖結合藝術、慈善與金融,將三者核心價值提煉串接,且以全新的依存關係轉向為永續的循環。DVG TAIPEI將由藝術出發,以慈善的精神與能量,透過金融的路徑,達到無形與有形的交匯。這是一個全新的實驗,一場跨界的探索,藉此作為藝術與慈善傳承延續的重要路徑,橋接過去、現在與未來,讓這份美好在時間長河中永恆流傳。

The D.G. Charity Global Project 1 aims to integrate art, charity, and finance, extracting and connecting their core values, and transforming them into a sustainable cycle of interdependence. DVG TAIPEI will take art as the starting point, infusing it with the spirit and energy of charity, and channeling them through the path of finance to achieve a convergence of the intangible and tangible. This is a completely new experiment, a cross-disciplinary exploration, serving as a vital pathway for the continuation and inheritance of art and charity, bridging the past, present, and future, ensuring that this beauty perpetually flows through the river of time.

物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

 「物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展」於112年9月6日至9月17日在國立中正紀念堂2展廳展出。主辦單位 DVG Taipei 更與 D.G. Charity Global 合作,將藝術與慈善結合,並推出100%X100% 慈善計畫,希望能藉由慈善藝術的推動,以正向的力量改變社會,甚至改變世界,最後促成良善的循環。
心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

藝術是人類與生俱來的共同語言,文學是譜寫靈魂與觸動共鳴的樂章。透過畫作及文字抒發一下平日的生活細節,感嘆一下生命的高低起迭。進入 D.G. Lampaulus 的藝術於文學世界,最簡單的文字,最樸實的畫風,在繁囂的都市裏,享受樂得浮生半日閒的輕鬆。


你有想過,西方神話中的路西法,有一天會化身為女媧煉石補天,阻止大洪水的災難嗎?這就是作家 D.G. Lampaulus 的奇思妙想,他的小說畫集《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》充滿融合東西方哲學與世界觀的趣味,舉凡以太極的陰陽去解釋伊甸園神話、將《西遊記》的齊天大聖孫悟空與《聖經》中聖子默西亞的故事並置同觀,以及世界各地共同擁有記載的大洪水神話,將這些東西方的傳說、神話與文學經典融為一體,經過消化後轉化為獨特新穎的創作風格。

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