糊塗里國際藝廊舉辦街區藝術活動 民生社區再度受大眾注目
Dotard Village Gallery Brings Street Art into Minsheng Community and Make It Attractive Again
Dotard Village Gallery 糊塗里國際藝廊,以藝術不分國界的精神,連結全球各地最具潛力的新銳藝術家,並服務廣大的藝術愛好者,於台北、深圳、馬來西亞、英國等地設立藝文中心,與國際潮流同步,逐一開啟多元性的藝文集散地。近期特別邀請馬來西亞青年藝術家Alan Chen進駐台北市民生社區,融入跨媒體元宇宙藝術的創作概念,於藝廊舉辦實體與虛擬作品相結合的當代藝術展;另外也在周圍多個街區進行壁畫藝術創作,並選定新中街的「Fun 山水」壁畫舉行揭幕儀式,當日亦邀請產官各界人士,以及在地喜愛藝文的民眾共襄盛舉。
Dotard Village Gallery connects the most emerging artists from all over the world and serves many art lovers, has its galleries in Taipei, Shenzhen, Malaysia, the UK and other places. Alan Chen, an emerging young Malaysian artist, was invited to work inside Minsheng Community of Taipei, integrate the concept of the metaverse, and hold a contemporary art exhibition combining physical and virtual works at the gallery. In addition, he also created murals in several surrounding blocks, and his newest street mural "Fun Landscape" has been seen by many people through media covering the unveiling ceremony, with many art-loving people at the scene and also on the internet from all over the world.

來自馬來西亞的新銳藝術家Alan Chen,特別鍾情於中國山水畫,以及西方抽象畫的表現方式,兩者相輔相成,為他的作品帶來獨特的視角與題材。Alan Chen認為,人的情感在大自然面前可以無限擴展,同時神遊於現實與夢幻之間。他將日常生活的審美經驗投注其中,幻化成別出心裁的「新山水創作」。與傳統宣紙水墨畫截然不同,並自創「刮刀山水 Knifed Mountains」的作畫技法:混合油彩、壓克力和噴漆等媒材,並運用獨創的刮刀手法,以噴水器稀釋畫布上的顏料,製造出水墨渲染的奇特韻味。作品不僅呈現出開闊的視覺感,甚至能在畫布上感受到時空的變幻,達到「靜中有動,動中有靜」的境界。
Alan Chen, an emerging artist from Malaysia, loves both of Chinese landscape painting and Western abstract painting, which makes his works unique with themes of fusion and compatibility. Alan Chen believes that emotions can expand infinitely in nature while wandering between reality and fantasy. He transforms the aesthetic experience into "New Landscape Creations". He created his own “Knifed Mountains” painting technique: mixing media such as oil, acrylic, and spray paint, using a water jet to dilute the paint on the canvas to create the effect of ink rendering. The work not only presents an open sense of vision, but also can even feel the changes of time and space on the canvas.

The team of Dotard Village Art and Culture Ltd., which has gathered cross domain art management talents from many countries and entered Taiwan in 2021, settling around Minsheng community of Taipei, dedicating to bring Taiwan's beautiful humanistic spirit and artistic connotation onto the global community. Dotard Village Gallery not only continues to promote Taiwanese local art in global market, but also helps to extend physical works to digital virtual reality, even to connect the NFT community and construct the art metaverse. For example, building up digital art collection certification is getting more secure and valuable than hardcopy collection certifications traditionally. It not only increases the collection value but also reserves the right to participate special events in NFT community for collectors and artists.

糊塗里國際藝廊也讓藝術走進在地社區與特色店家,結合消費文化與藝文活動,營造具有趣味感的跨媒介體驗。不少在地商家也協力支持,包括富錦樹咖啡、富錦樹台菜香檳、陽光康喜(微熱山丘旗下保健品牌)、糊塗里私廚俱樂部,和LUXE YOUNG 頂級保養品等,提供各式的消費優惠與贈禮,讓活動更加豐富繽紛。
Dotard Village Gallery has also brought art into local communities, business and stores, in Minsheng Community, creating interesting new experiences connecting art enjoyment and consuming activities. There were many local merchants cooperated and sponsored for this event, including Fujin Tree Cafe, Fujin Tree Taiwanese Cuisine & Champagne, SunTivas (a nutrient brand owned by Sunnyhills), Dotard Village group, LUXE YOUNG, etc., provided different consumer discounts and consuming experience to make this event more exciting and attractive.
Dotard Village Gallery will continue to serve Taiwanese local art, letting artworks, artists, collectors, and the general public can be linked together. Since a great platform for every community member has been established, art can be easily spread and found in people’s daily life.
BE@RBRICK BEARBRICK 蜷川實花 白玫瑰 100% 400%
- 正常售價
- NT$19,000.00
- 特價
- NT$19,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
BE@RBRICK BEARBRICK 蜷川實花 藍花 100% 400%
- 正常售價
- NT$17,000.00
- 特價
- NT$17,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
BE@RBRICK 葛飾北斎 神奈川沖浪裏 100% 400%
- 正常售價
- NT$48,000.00
- 特價
- NT$48,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
BE@RBRICK Psychedelic Paisley 100% 400%
- 正常售價
- NT$7,500.00
- 特價
- NT$7,500.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
BE@RBRICK 1000% Cookie monster
- 正常售價
- NT$36,000.00
- 特價
- NT$36,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
BE@RBRICK 400% Cookie monster
- 正常售價
- NT$19,800.00
- 特價
- NT$19,800.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
- 正常售價
- NT$50,000.00
- 特價
- NT$50,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
- 正常售價
- NT$100,000.00
- 特價
- NT$100,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每