Gallery 結合 Lounge ,微醺風正在藝廊流轉

Gallery combined with Lounge, a slightly tipsy atmosphere flowing through the art space.


糊塗里國際藝廊民生店已經歷十數個檔期的展覽,以連結全球最具潛力的藝術家為宗旨,並以當代藝術展覽為定位。近期融合了 Lounge Bar 的概念,加入微醺的元素,轉型成為 Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge ,期望眾多的藝術愛好者也能在藝廊享受 Lounge Bar 的微醺樂趣,並搭建彼此對話的橋梁,促進藝術圈的交流,讓美學自然地在微醺、樂音與藝術之間流轉,使觀者、藝評與藏家體驗 Gallery & Lounge 結合的全新感受。

Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge, formerly known as Huto Li International Art Gallery Minsheng Store, has gone through several exhibition periods with the aim of connecting the most promising artists worldwide and positioning itself as a contemporary art gallery. Recently, it has embraced the concept of a Lounge Bar and incorporated the element of mild intoxication, transforming into Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge. The goal is for art enthusiasts to not only enjoy the art in the gallery but also indulge in the mild intoxication and establish a bridge for dialogue, fostering communication within the art community. This allows aesthetics to naturally flow between mild intoxication, music, and art, offering viewers, art critics, and collectors a new experience that combines the Gallery and Lounge.



The exhibition space of contemporary art radiates the vibrant colors of culture.


糊塗里國際藝廊民生店專注於挖掘全球最有潛力的新興藝術家,並開啟一個當代藝文界與國際潮流同步的精神集散地,也為跨領域的藝術展演方式立下新的里程碑,渲染出藝術與文化的活力色彩。近期糊塗里國際藝廊有了新的定位,結合 Lounge Bar 的概念,轉型成為 Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge ,在藝廊欣賞藝術作品之餘,也能細品佳釀美酒。

Dotard Village Gallery Minsheng Store focuses on discovering emerging artists with global potential and serves as a spiritual hub that synchronizes with contemporary art and international trends. It sets a new milestone for interdisciplinary art exhibitions, radiating a vibrant blend of art and culture. With the recent transformation into Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge, visitors can now appreciate art while savoring fine wines.


在藝廊也能享受 Lounge Bar 的微醺樂趣

You can also enjoy the relaxed pleasure of a Lounge Bar in the art gallery.


能同時啜飲葡萄酒,以及欣賞藝術作品,如同身在 Lounge Bar 的空間中,感受輕鬆自在的氛圍。 Gallery & Lounge ,旨在結合藝廊與微醺的樂趣。還記得 Netflix 知名影集《艾蜜莉在巴黎》嗎?下班後在藝廊與好友們舉杯言歡,沒有喧鬧嘈雜的電子樂,有的是讓人心情和緩的 Lounge Music ,難得放鬆的片刻,將心儀的藝術品納入收藏。糊塗里國際藝廊不但搭建藝術家與收藏家之間溝通交流的橋梁,也讓藝廊吹起微醺風,引領 Gallery 結合 Lounge 的浪潮,微醺與藝術品,絕配!

To be able to sip wine and admire artworks simultaneously creates an atmosphere of relaxation and ease, as if being in a Lounge Bar setting. The Gallery & Lounge aims to merge the pleasures of the gallery and mild intoxication. Remember the popular Netflix series "Emily in Paris"? Imagine toasting with friends in the gallery after work, enjoying lounge music that creates a soothing ambiance instead of noisy electronic music, and seizing the rare moment of relaxation while considering collecting cherished artworks. Huto Li International Art Gallery not only serves as a bridge for communication between artists and collectors but also introduces a touch of mild intoxication, leading the trend of Gallery-Lounge fusion. Mild intoxication and artworks are a perfect match.



A sip in ease, a rare moment of blissful confusion, allowing people to relax and engage in effortless conversations.


藝術需要對話。無論是藝術品與觀者、或是觀者與觀者之間對話;甚至是藝術家與收藏家、藝術家與藝評家之間的對話。正如同糊塗里的格言:“ Where ignorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise. ” 有時放下精明的算計,更能用心感受藝術品傳達而來的情懷與意念,「微醺」就是一個很好的媒介。

Art requires dialogue. Whether it's the dialogue between artwork and viewers or among viewers themselves, even the conversations between artists and collectors or art critics. Just like the motto of Huto Li: "Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise." Sometimes, setting aside shrewd calculations allows us to wholeheartedly experience the emotions and ideas conveyed by artworks. "Mild intoxication" serves as an excellent medium for that.



People often strive to be astute throughout their lives but rarely allow themselves to be a little muddled. We should seize this opportunity for a moment of confusion, open our hearts at the right time, and engage in a spiritual dialogue within Huto Li. Through communication, we can discover the beauty we often miss in our busy lives, quietly giving ourselves time to appreciate and embrace the joy brought by art. In the process of dialogue, communication, and sharing, confusion can transform into a form of wisdom. A gentle sip, a hint of mild intoxication, becomes the key to initiating conversations.



Let aesthetics flow between the realms of intoxication, music, and art.


如此一來,糊塗里國際藝廊就成為一處多功能的空間場域,它不僅是一所國際藝廊,同時也是一間有藝術品味的 Lounge Bar ,美學就自然地在微醺、樂音與藝術之間流轉起來。在寬敞的舒適空間中,佐以葡萄酒的微醺,迎接藝術所帶來的新視野,並與藝術同好對話交流。 Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge 糊塗里國際藝廊民生店歡迎您蒞臨參觀,體驗 Gallery & Lounge 結合的全新感受。

Consequently, Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge becomes a multifunctional space. It is not only an international art gallery but also an artful Lounge Bar, where aesthetics naturally flow between mild intoxication, music, and art. In its spacious and comfortable environment, accompanied by the mild intoxication of fine wines, visitors can embrace new perspectives brought by art and engage in conversations with fellow art enthusiasts. Dotard Village Gallery & Lounge Minsheng Store welcomes you to visit and experience the unique combination of Gallery and Lounge.


營業時間:周一~周六 10:00-19:00
Business hours: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Address: No. 6, Lane 6, Xinzhong Street, Songshan District, Taipei City
Contact number: 02-2756-3200
物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展「結合藝術與慈善理念 促進良善循環」

 「物物者‧非物:D.G. Lampaulus 2023 台北個展」於112年9月6日至9月17日在國立中正紀念堂2展廳展出。主辦單位 DVG Taipei 更與 D.G. Charity Global 合作,將藝術與慈善結合,並推出100%X100% 慈善計畫,希望能藉由慈善藝術的推動,以正向的力量改變社會,甚至改變世界,最後促成良善的循環。
心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

心靈漫遊 Mind Wandering & Words

藝術是人類與生俱來的共同語言,文學是譜寫靈魂與觸動共鳴的樂章。透過畫作及文字抒發一下平日的生活細節,感嘆一下生命的高低起迭。進入 D.G. Lampaulus 的藝術於文學世界,最簡單的文字,最樸實的畫風,在繁囂的都市裏,享受樂得浮生半日閒的輕鬆。


你有想過,西方神話中的路西法,有一天會化身為女媧煉石補天,阻止大洪水的災難嗎?這就是作家 D.G. Lampaulus 的奇思妙想,他的小說畫集《川里堤與路西法 Trinity & Lucifer 》充滿融合東西方哲學與世界觀的趣味,舉凡以太極的陰陽去解釋伊甸園神話、將《西遊記》的齊天大聖孫悟空與《聖經》中聖子默西亞的故事並置同觀,以及世界各地共同擁有記載的大洪水神話,將這些東西方的傳說、神話與文學經典融為一體,經過消化後轉化為獨特新穎的創作風格。

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