美國的首都不是紐約 _ 前十頂級富翁 _ 八位是美國人
The capital of the United States is not New York. Besides, eight of the world's top 10 richest people are Americans
D.G. Wander 這次的漫遊來到美國。提到美國,大家馬上聯想到的應該就是民主自由、星條旗(美國國旗)、自由女神像,還有繁華的曼哈頓吧。但請注意,紐約雖是美國第一大城,但卻不是首都,正確的美國首都應是「華盛頓哥倫比亞特區」(Washington, D.C.)。
D.G. Wander is going to take you to the America this time. When it comes to the United States, people think of democracy and freedom, the American flag, the Statue of Liberty, and the bustling Manhattan immediately. But it should be noted that although New York is the largest city in the United States, it is not the capital. The correct capital of the United States should be "Washington, D.C.".

美利堅合眾國 / The United States of America
2021 人均 GDP / 2021 GDP per capita:USD$ 69,230(6th in the world)
總人口數 / Population:3億3480萬 / 334.8 M
官方語言 / Language:英語 / English
首都 / Capital:華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 / Washington, D.C.
國土面積 / Area:9,834,000km²
The American Dream: A Paradise for Immigrants.
To lots of people, America is a wonderful place for immigrants, many of whom come with the American dream. The American Dream is about equal opportunities to pursue wealth regardless of your status or background. In Forbes magazine's 2022 list of the world's richest people, there are 8 Americans in the top 10. It is no wonder that everyone recognizes that the richest place in the world is the United States. Today, let’s take a look at the deeds of these 8 regals, and whether they are authentic Americans or American immigrants?
Number 9: Steve Anthony Ballmer
Total Assets: $91.4 Billion

PHOTO by Robert Sorbo from Flickr
史蒂芬巴爾默是微軟前執行長,共任職14年(2000 ~ 2014年)。現在則把事業重心轉向美國職籃(NBA),成為洛杉磯快艇隊的老闆。他深信「電腦科學是所有創新的操作系統」,而這句話也是他的致富關鍵。巴爾默父親是瑞士籍移民,母親是猶太人,因此可算是移民第二代。
Steve Anthony Ballmer is the former CEO of Microsoft, serving for 14 years (2000-2014). Now he is turning his career focus to the NBA, becoming the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. He was convinced that "computer science is the operating system of all innovation," and that statement was the key to his fortune. Balmer's father is a Swiss immigrant, and his mother is Jewish, so he can be considered the second generation of immigrants.
Number 8: Lawrence Joseph Larry Ellison
Total Assets: $106 Billion

PHOTO by Hartmann Studios from Flickr
勞倫斯艾利森是甲骨文公司的共同創辦人兼董事長,並持有公司大約 35% 的股份。雖然近兩年的排名下滑,卻是多年來資產總額不斷竄升的超級富豪。艾利森的父親是義大利裔美國人,母親則是猶太人,因此是移民第二代。
Lawrence Ellison is the co-founder and chairman of Oracle Corporation and owns approximately 35% of the company. Although the ranking has declined in the past two years, it is the regal whose total assets have continued to soar over the years. Ellison's father is Italian-American, and his mother is Jewish, therefore, he is a second-generation immigrant as well.
Number 7: Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin
Total Assets: $107 Billion

PHOTO by TED Conference from Flickr
Sergey Brin is a Jewish-American computer scientist who was born in a Jewish family in the Soviet Union and immigrated to the United States when he was 6 years old (1979). He met Larry Page during his Ph.D. studies at Stanford University, and the two founded Google in 1998. They still hold board positions to this day and are also controlling shareholders. In recent years, Brin has made a profit from selling shares and entered the top 10 list in 2021.
Number 6: Lawrence Edward Larry Page
Total Assets: $111 Billion

PHOTO by Jeff Chiu from Associated Press
Larry Page was born into a Jewish family in Michigan to both computer science professors at Michigan State University. He was the CEO of Alphabet (the parent company of Google), stepping down in 2019, but remains a board member and controlling shareholder. He has a famous saying about dreams: '' You never lose a dream; it just incubates as a hobby.'' PageRank, the algorithm for ranking Google searches, was invented by Page, who was awarded the Marconi Award in 2004 for his outstanding contributions to the field of communications.
Number 5: Warren Edward Buffett
Total Assets: $118 Billion

PHOTO by Nati Harnik from Associated Press
談到這位聞名於世的股神,剛結束的最終回慈善午餐拍賣,代價是1900萬美金(約台幣5.64億元),創下歷史新高!今年已經91歲的巴菲特是波克夏海瑟威公司的董事長兼執行長,以及最大股東,他準確的市場預言也被稱為「奧馬哈的神諭」(The Oracle of Omaha),是歷史上最成功的投資者之一。巴菲特出生於內布拉斯加州奧瑪哈市的富裕家庭,父親是兩屆國會議員與商業大亨,從曾祖父那代就已定居美國。
Speaking of this world-famous stock god, it must be mentioned that the just-concluded final charity lunch auction cost US$19 million (approximately NT$564 million) and has reached a record high! Buffett, who is 91 years old this year, is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, as well as the largest shareholder. His accurate market predictions are also known as "The Oracle of Omaha", which is a historical one of the most successful investors. Buffett was born into a wealthy family in Omaha, Nebraska. His father was a two-term congressman and a business tycoon, and his family has settled in the United States since his great-grandfather's generation.
Number 4: William Henry Gates III (Bill Gates)
Total Assets: $129 Billion

PHOTO by Leon Neal / Pool Via from REUTERS
比爾蓋茲不但是微軟的創辦人,與巴菲特一樣,更是一位著名的慈善家。曾創下連續13年(1995 ~ 2007年)榮登《富比世》雜誌全球首富的紀錄。他曾說過:「金錢在一定程度上對我沒有用處,它應該完全用於建立一個組織,並將資源提供給世界上最貧窮的人。」蓋茲夫妻創立的「比爾蓋茲基金會」致力於國際人道援助,這兩年也支援了新冠病毒的藥物研發。比爾蓋茲出生於西雅圖,父親是當地的律師,母親是銀行系統董事,外祖父曾任國家銀行行長。
Bill Gates is not only the founder of Microsoft but also a well-known philanthropist like Buffett. He has set a record of being the richest man in the world by Forbes magazine for 13 consecutive years (1995-2007). He once said: ''Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point. Its utility is entirely in building an organization and getting the resources out to the poorest in the world.'' The "Bill Gates Foundation" founded by Gates and his wife is dedicated to international humanitarian assistance and has also supported the research and development of new coronavirus drugs in the past two years. Bill Gates was born in Seattle, his father was a local lawyer, his mother was a director of the banking system, and his grandfather was a former president of the National Bank.
Number 2: Jeffrey Preston Jeff Bezos
Total Assets: $177 Billion

PHOTO by Dan Farber from Flickr
傑夫貝佐斯是全球電商龍頭之一亞馬遜公司(Amazon.com, Inc.)的創辦人、 1999年《時代》雜誌年度風雲人物,2018年更登上《富比士》雜誌全球首富。他於2021年卸下執行長並改任董事會執行主席。在一次公司演講中,貝佐斯說出一句名言:「每天都是第一天」,勉勵同仁保有初心來面對新的一天。貝佐斯出生於美國新墨西哥州,家族在德州擁有一座約101平方公里的牧場。
Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon.com, Inc, one of the world's leading e-commerce companies, the person of the year in Time magazine in 1999, and the richest man in the world in Forbes magazine in 2018. He stepped down as CEO and became executive chairman of the board in 2021. In a company speech, Bezos said a famous saying: '' Every day is day one.'' and encouraged colleagues to face the new day with their original intentions. Bezos was born in New Mexico, USA, and his family owns a ranch of about 101 square kilometers in Texas.
Number one: Elon Reeve Musk
Total Assets: $219 Billion

PHOTO by Patrick Pleul from swissinfo.ch
The richest man in 2022 is the founder of SpaceX and the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, who entered the top 10 last year and ranked second. This year, he not only jumped to the richest man but also on the Forbes magazine list. Besides, he is also the first regal with a net worth of more than 200 billion US dollars! What everyone may not know is that he has the status of a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the United Kingdom and an academician of the American Academy of Engineering, as well as his Chinese name "Ma Yilang". Musk’s mother is Canadian, and his father is South African. He grew up in Pretoria, one of the three capitals of South Africa, and moved to Canada when he was in college, and then to the United States, so he is a standard American immigrant.
Of the 8 super-rich Americans, 4 are authentic Americans; 2 are immigrants, and 2 are second-generation immigrants. It seems that no matter whether you are a native American or an immigrant, there is a chance to realize the American dream.