Day and Night: Eden by day and the mysterious moment by dark night
常在關注 Olive Black Original Coffee X 糊塗里 Dotard Village 的朋友們,都可以感受到別出心裁的空間配置:「日與夜」的設計概念,其中蘊含著哪些玄機呢?
Friends who often follow Olive Black Original Coffee X Dotard Village can feel the unique space configuration: What are the mysteries of the design concept of "day and night"?
Day and night: The cycle and ebb of the flow of binary forces in the universe

「日與夜」的主題,來自宇宙中眾多二元的元素:光與暗、正與負、陰與陽……等等,日與夜也是其中之一。然而它們不總是對立的,更多的時候是種「組合」的概念。萬物皆處於循環流轉、消長平衡的狀態,人類也不例外,日出而作、日落而息,人體和宇宙運行的法則是相同的。Olive Black Original Coffee X 糊塗里 Dotard Village 的空間設計融入這樣的觀點:門外與一樓屬於白晝,映入眼簾的是如同伊甸園般的花園,白晝是純淨的人間樂土;黑夜則在B1的VIP包廂,孫悟空和佛陀如來的人首模型面面相覷,還有俏皮的路西法也在這裡,黑夜是神魔降臨的時刻。
The theme of "day and night" comes from the many dual elements in the universe. Light and darkness, positive and negative, yin and yang, and so on. Day and night are also one of them. However, they are not always opposites, more often they are a concept of "combination". All things are in a state of cyclical circulation, ebb, and flow, and human beings are no exception. We work from sunrise and rest at sunset. The laws of the human body and the universe are the same. The space design of Olive Black Original Coffee X Dotard Village incorporates such a viewpoint below. The outside and the first floor belong to the day. The garden that comes into view is like Eden, which is the pure paradise of happiness. The night is in the VIP box of B1. The head models of Sun Wukong and Buddha Tathagata gazing at each other and the nifty Lucifer are placed there, which refers to the moment when the gods and demons come.
Day: The Garden of Eden that can forget worries

從戶外一隅就可以看到午茶氛圍的祕密花園,其中蘊含著伊甸園的構想,原來這片花園還是亞當和夏娃的誕生之地。隨處可見的花草裝飾,還有以植物為主題的新藝術風格桌椅;室內牆上色彩明亮的畫作,帶來新鮮活潑的氣息。品嚐一杯咖啡的漫遊時光,或是一壺下午茶的閒暇片刻,回歸人類最初的樂土,暫時忘卻世俗的煩惱,享受自在美好的幸福,Make happiness happen!
From the outdoor corner, you can see the secret garden with the atmosphere of afternoon tea, which contains the idea of Eden, which turned out to be the birthplace of Adam and Eve. Flowers and plants can be seen everywhere, as well as Art Nouveau-style tables and chairs themed with plants; The brightly colored paintings on the interior walls bring a fresh and lively atmosphere. The wandering time of tasting a cup of coffee, or the leisure time of a pot of afternoon tea, return to the original paradise of human beings, temporarily forget the worldly troubles, and enjoy free and beautiful happiness. Make happiness happen!
Darkness: The time when the demons come

往下通過一條幽暗的曲徑,B1的VIP包廂另有不同風格,幽玄的黑夜即將登場。展示櫃中的無限之眼、孫行者與佛陀如來等模型公仔,出自藝術家D.G. Lampaulus的神話小說畫集:《川里堤與路西法Trinity & Lucifer》中的眾神與群魔。無限之眼,已看透宇宙的運行、萬物的生滅,預知了一場神魔大戰即將發生;孫行者與佛陀如來爭鬥的場景,從紙上搬到櫃中上演。壁爐中的火焰,象徵著路西法撒旦大軍的領地;還有D.G. Wander專屬的「路西法葡萄酒」,希拉品種的紅葡萄,酸甜的黑醋栗風味,難道是準備聯合酒神對抗造物主川里堤?毫無疑問,黑夜是神魔降臨的時刻,同時也是祂們的必爭之地。
Going down through a dark winding path, the VIP box of B1 has a different style, and the dark night is about to debut. The model figures such as the Eye of Infinity, Sun Wukong, and Buddha Tathagata in the display cabinet are from the mythological novels and paintings of artist D.G. Lampaulus: '' Trinity & Lucifer''. The Eye of Infinite has seen through the movement of the universe, the birth, and death of all things, and predicted that a battle between gods and demons is about to take place. The scene of the battle between Sun Wukong and the Buddha Tathagata was moved from the paper to the cabinet. The flames in the fireplace symbolize the territory of the Luciferian army of Satan. In addition, there is also D.G. Wander's exclusive "Lucifer Wine", made from the red grapes of the Syrah variety and the sweet and sour blackcurrant flavor. Is it preparing to unite with the God of wine to fight against the creator Trinity? There is no doubt that the dark night is the moment when the gods and demons come, and it is also a must for them.

從「英倫風」到「日與夜」,Olive Black Original Coffee X 糊塗里 Dotard Village每次的變身都令人驚艷,她不只是個咖啡廳,更是雅士聚會的絕佳地點,品味獨到的藝文場所,以及空間設計的展示場域。未來會再帶我們到多神奇的領域呢?令人期待!
From "British Style" to "Day and Night", the transformation of Olive Black Original Coffee X Dotard Village is amazing every time. It is not only a coffee shop but also an excellent place for elegant gatherings, unique art, a cultural venue, and the display area of space design. What magical realms will the future take us to? Looking forward to it!
無論歡慶派對或部門聚餐 _ Olive Black Original Coffee X 糊塗里 Dotard Village 私人包廂拉近彼此距離
D.G. Lampaulus(星空)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
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- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(聖血)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
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- 單價
- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(宇宙有時)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
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- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(年華)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(萬物)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(天使頌)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(小王子)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每
D.G. Lampaulus(紳士)X THE CHOCOLATE BLOCK 2020
- 正常售價
- NT$2,000.00
- 特價
- NT$2,000.00
- 正常售價
- 單價
- 每